I thought I would have already covered bullets by now when I had planned out this tutorial, but I guess there was more to go over than I initially thought! Anyways hopefully you are following this from Part 3 of my tutorial series, if you aren’t you can download this project file to follow along.
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Tag: Flash Game
SHMUP Tutorial 3: Moving Through Space
Welcome to part 3 of my SHMUP tutorial series! We are going to jump right in from part 2 of the series. If you didn’t follow part 2 you can download this project file to follow along.
When we last left off, we added in an enemy that moves back and forth and makes you teleport when you get hit.
Let’s start off with a new image for this tutorial!
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SHMUP Tutorial 2: Basic Enemy
Hello! And welcome to part 2 of my tutorial series! If you didn’t follow part 1, you can just download this project to follow this tutorial.
All right then, we have a ship that moves around the screen right now. Pretty boring if you ask me. So let’s add in an enemy! Start by making a new file named “Enemy.as”
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